Quilled Monogram

This quilled monogram was composed for a wonderful exchange student before her departure for home in Austria. I was told that purple is her favorite color and the 5 dots represent the 5 people (including her) in her host family and the 5 months she spent in Kentucky. The finished product is in a 2″x3.5″ frame.


I am able to produce a limited number of quilled monograms for sale. If you’d like to place an order, please email me at TwirledPeace@gmail.com or message me on Facebook at Twirled Peace: Quilled Creations.

Please provide the following information in your order: Which letter; letter paper color choices (2-3 colors are best); your email for PayPal invoice; shipping address.

All monogram backgrounds will be in white unless otherwise specified. Additional background colors are available for a small additional fee.

Framed and shipped pieces are $22.

Local orders (Clay, KY and surrounding area), framed, are $18.

If you’d like to provide your own 2″x3.5″ frame (must be deep enough to accomadate 1/8″ width paper), unframed pieces are $14.



Nativities and Snowflakes

I tried something new this Christmas and offered just two quilled items for sale: 3-piece mini nativities fixed to a base and snowflakes. Both were popular, though the nativities were much more popular than the snowflakes. I ended up selling over 30 sets in about a 3-week window. I am currently thinking about what I want to offer for Spring/Easter quilled items. I used to be able to take on elaborate custom quilling orders, but find these simple offerings to be about the best I can do in this season of my life (maybe once the puppy and the toddler are a little older, I will get back to taking orders like I used to). I deeply enjoy being a small part of your celebrations, still getting to quill, and making a little bit of income all at the same time. Thank you SO much for all who placed orders or got the word out about Twirled Peace over the Christmas season. 🙂

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This is another order I completed almost a year ago (my poor, neglected blog!) and I really like how it turned out. I was challenged by this one. Creating the outline of Texas took some time and I had to figure out the best way to go about it, but filling it in went went quickly and the embellishment at the end with the heart and swirls (the heart was by request of the customer, the swirls were just for fun) came about naturally. The customer for this one just happens to be a very cool person I know through my sister and I was thrilled to do this for her.

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Fairy and Unicorn

This order was so much fun to compose. I love the flower embellishments around the unicorn’s neck and the affection between the two creatures was a delight to create. The request was made by a little girl who wanted “a purple and pink fairy with sparkly wings–she is a fairy that takes care of unicorns with flowers.” I love her imagination! The little girl’s mom loved it and gave me what I think is one of the best reactions I have ever received by a customer, which made me very happy. I completed this order back in November (2013) and am just now posting about it. I have not done a lot of quilling since then, but I have noticed that my quilling time comes in waves and I hope to be catching another quilling wave very soon. 🙂

50 Hearts

My Mother’s Day wish was to have just a bit of time to quill. So my husband took the baby while I made this card for someone very close to me who recently turned 50. Card-making is NOT my strength, but I enjoyed the quilling part of it. There are 50 little hearts here, of course, each one representing one year of this wonderful person’s life so far. She liked the card and I enjoyed making it for her even if I wasn’t thrilled with the look of the card over all. 



Quilled Baby Gift

We brought our baby girl home last August and this is the first piece I have quilled since before her birth. I’ve turned down a couple orders over these months, but couldn’t resist doing this one as I got to quill a tree and bluebirds! It was fun to put together, but I think this may be the only one I do again for awhile. Perhaps the quilling will come out again this summer when things slow down a bit…

I’ve removed the last name and birthdate (day) for privacy; I’m sharing that so it is not assumed that the red bird is randomly floating in the air. The fox was a first for me and the dog in the grass is based on a photo of the family’s dog. Of course, the 3 bluebirds in the tree represent the happy family. 🙂



I haven’t quilled since Christmas, so I was really looking forward to making something for my niece.  She is the sweetest baby and, while I would’ve liked to make something a bit more timeless for her to display forever, I couldn’t resist going with more of a “baby” look on this on this one.  The main focus is a blooming heart flower thingy, which is symbolic of my adoration of this darling girl and for the delight she brings to the world around her.

I discovered that not quilling for four months has made me a bit rusty so this piece has also inspired me to try to get quilling time in more often, even when life seems too busy for this lovely hobby of mine.


I spent Christmas in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and was so inspired by the beautiful snow there that I just had to quill some snowflake ornaments.  I gave most of them away as gifts, but kept a couple behind to hang on my windows here at home (where we have no snow).  2 of the snowflakes were quilled using 1/8″ wide paper strips and the rest were quilled using 1/4″ strips (which is my preference for appearance and strength)… all were quilled in the color “bright white.”  I wish I had gotten better photos, but these will have to do––click on the photos to see them up close.

Holy Family

It was a beautiful Christmas and, like last year, I enjoyed making several miniature nativities to give as gifts.  The ones I made in 2010 included an angel, star, a “stable,” Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.  This year, I kept it to just the 3 figures of the holy family––Joseph, Mary, and Jesus.  I made the change partially because it is much easier and faster to make 3 figures than 4+, but I also realized that the arrangement of 3 figures looks better too.

Joseph stands about 2 inches tall, just to give you an idea of size.

I would like to give a shout-out to Cheryl at a paper {life} (www.CardsbyCheryl.blogspot.com) who originally inspired the design with her own beautiful (and more comprehensive) nativity.

Fluttering Butterfly

This is the 3rd and final piece for the same family who ordered the pieces featured on the Family Fun and on Flowering Tree posts.  I have received very positive feedback from the family on all 3 pieces, which always does my heart good.

This piece was for the youngest daughter in the family and it was surprisingly difficult because I didn’t want it to look too much like her mom’s.  I wanted it to be unique, just for her.  I can’t tell you how many flowers got scrapped in the process.  And drawings of layouts.  Finally, however, I did decide to go with something similar, but using different flowers.  Of course, there is only one butterfly (representing the little girl) instead of a whole family of winged creatures so I was able to slightly dramatize the butterfly fluttering delightfully among the flowers with just a few dots of a fine-tipped Sharpie.  What fun!  🙂

Something kind of fun about the pieces for the 2 daughters is that they will be displayed next to each other on a wall.  So I was careful to use the same color for the background and the same font and color for the text.  I also wanted the colors of the quilled elements to go well together.  I started out using all the colors in this piece that I used in the “flowering tree” piece.  Yikes.  That did NOT work.  The red, orange, and gold colors looked hideous and those were the flowers that got scrapped (as did at least one of the shades of blue I tried0.  Once I paired down the colors to pink, purple, yellow, and blue–with some white in there too–it came together very quickly and, I think, nicely.

I’ll share some photos of the piece on it’s own and also one next to the flowering tree since they’ll be wall buddies.